
The awork API supports a huge set of filters that can be executed on all our API controllers.

Every filter can be applied by adding a filterby expression to the request URL:

 /users?filterby=FirstName eq 'Sebastian'

Important: Special characters (like ?, & and =) within a string filter value need to be properly url encoded.

filterby=name eq 'awork %26 co' <- correct
filterby=name eq 'awork & co' <- incorrect

If you want to filter by a nested property, you can do this by separating the Properties by /.

Logical Operations

You can invert the expression by using not before the statement

 /users?filterby=not FirstName eq 'Sebastian'

Furthermore, you can combine expressions using the logical operator and

/projects?filterby=PlannedDuration le 200 and PlannedDuration gt 3.5 

You can combine expressions using the logical operator or

/projects?filterby=PlannedDuration le 200 or PlannedDuration gt 300 

Precedence is defined with ( and )

Data types

The data types DateTime and Guid have to be prefixed with the corresponding type identifier datetime and guid, respectively, e.g.

  • /users?filterby=birthDate ge datetime'2018-04-03T00:00'

  • /users?filterby=id eq guid'12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff'

  • Null null

  • Boolean true|false

  • Byte 0x22

  • DateTime datetime'2000-12-12T12:00'

  • Decimal 2.345M

  • Double 2.029

  • Single 2.0f

  • Guid guid'12345678-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff'

  • Int 32

  • Long 64L

  • String 'Hello awork'




The 'eq' operator filters and returns the items which matches the filter term.

/users?filterby=firstname eq 'Neil'


The 'ne' operator filters and returns the items which do not match the filter term.

/users?filterby=firstname ne 'Neil'


The 'endswith' operator filters and returns the items which end with the filter term.



The 'startswith' operator filters and returns the items which start with the string.



The 'contains' operator filters and returns the items which contain the filter term.



The 'gt' operator filters and returns the items which are greater than the filter term.

/users?filterby=birthDate gt datetime'2018-04-03T00:00'


The 'lt' operator filters and returns the items which are less than the filter term.

/users?filterby=birthDate lt datetime'2018-04-03T00:00'


The 'le' operator filters and returns the items which are less than or equal to the filter term.

/users?filterby=birthDate le datetime'2018-04-03T00:00'


The 'ge' operator filters and returns the items which are greater than or equal to the filter term.

/users?filterby=birthDate ge datetime'2018-04-03T00:00'


The any operator iterates through the main entity (Project), executes the condition and returns the filtered list of projects where any member with a FirstName 'Neil' exists.

/projects?filterby=members/any(p: p/FirstName eq 'Neil')


The count operator iterates through the main entity (Project), and returns the filtered list of projects that have less than 10 members.

/projects?filterby=members/count() lt 10

Special Operator for the Current User



Filters for the current user

Special Operators for Date and Time


lt now

Filters for less than current date-time

gt sow

Filters for greater than start of week

gt eow

Filters for greater than end of week

gt som

Filters for greater than start of month

gt eom

Filters for greater than end of month

eq today

Filters for today

Last updated