API Changes

This page contains a list of past and upcoming changes of our API. We try our best to prevent breaking changes, but sometimes we can't avoid it in order to release a new awesome feature 🚀

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Upcoming changes

This section shows upcoming changes. Breaking changes are additionally marked with 🚨.

Recent changes

This section shows you recent changes that are already live in our API.

Domain changed to awork.com: clients need to update URLs 🚨

We have recently switched our primary domain from awork.io to awork.com. The application and website remain available at both domains for the time being, however, by end of December 2023, clients must have updated to awork.com to continue using the awork API.

Find more details here.

Projects, Tasks and Users: Key and NumberCount properties removed 🚨

The Key property of Projects, Tasks and Users as well as the NumberCount property of Tasks have been removed. These properties were never used in the awork web app, so we're removing them from the API models as well.

These changes are happening in the API on 26.05.2023 in the evening.

Tasks: EntityId is deprecated 🚨

The EntityId in the Task model is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use UserId for private tasks and ProjectId for project tasks instead.

These changes are happening in the API on 05.05.2023 in the evening.

Tasks: several nested fields removed 🚨

The following nested fields have been removed from the model for performance reasons:


These changes are happening in the API on 05.05.2023 in the evening.

Subtasks become Checklists 🚨

We are adding a new feature called Subtasks, therefore we are renaming the currently existing Subtasks to Checklists. The new Subtasks will be more powerful and bring a new level of planning to awork.

In the following endpoints, subtasks will be renamed to checklists. The functionality remains the same.

This change is happening in the API on 03.03.2023 in the evening.

API Rate Limits for API clients 🚨

We are introducing API rate limits that will limit the number of requests external API clients can make to a workspace. These limits depend on the plan of the workspace. The limits are shared by all external client applications across the workspace. Please see Rate Limits for details.

This change is happening in the API on 03.03.2023 in the evening.

Workload calculation - Single user calculation removal 🚨

We are deprecating the endpoint

GET /users/{userId}/workload

in favour of the new one:

GET /users/workload

This new endpoint will provide multiple user results in a single call, plus it has the option to fetch the details of the workload calculation.

The legacy endpoint will still be active up to 01.01.2023. Then it will be removed.

Project Member Capacity - Endpoints removal 🚨

With the introduction of the project time bookings, we are migrating all the project member capacities to them.

As such, all the related endpoints are being deprecated and will not have any meaningful effect on the workload calculations:

  • GET /projects/{projectId}/members/{projectMemberId}/capacity

  • PUT /projects/{projectId}/members/{projectMemberId}/capacity

  • GET /projects/{projectId}/members/capacities

We will remove those endpoints and the related data starting from 01.01.2023

User Capacity - Property Removed New Endpoint 🚨

The User model currently has a CapacityPerWeek property, which we're removing soon. This property is getting it's own endpoint: /users/{userId}/capacity

This endpoint has GET and PUT methods to retrieve and edit the user's weekly capacity. The GET model looks like this:

  "userId": "b9fd0955-9252-4746-aba5-f6b82ba24d56",
  "capacityPerWeek": 144000

For a short time, both the property and the new endpoints will exist in parallel to be backward-compatible. We will remove the old property starting in March 2022. Please update your API client accordingly.

Project Templates - Auto Billability 🚨

Currently, projects have one property called IsBillableByDefault ,which decides whether time entries created on that project are marked as billable or not. This is either set by the project template, or if no project template was used for creation, by whether the project has a company or not. In the case of a company, the times are marked as billed, otherwise the times are marked as not billable.

The problem is, that the project template always overrules this company rule. We need to have more flexibility here, so we change the IsBillableByDefault property on the project template from a boolean to a string field with the possible values: on, off, auto.

When the auto option is set, the IsBillableByDefault of the project on project creation will be set according to the company rule, so true if a company is set and false if no company is set.

Multi-User Assignment - 18.09.21 🚨

This release adds the highly requested feature to assign multiple users to the same task. As a result, we reworked the endpoints that allow assigning multiple users to tasks and task templates as well as automations.

If you want to use this feature, please enable the task setting "Allow multi-user assignment" in awork in the workspace settings page. Alternatively, you can activate the setting by calling the tasks/settings endpoint from below with the setting name allow-multi-user-assignment.

Removed endpoints

POST /tasks/assignUsers
POST /tasks/unassignUsers

Added endpoints


POST https://api.awork.io/v1/tasks/{taskId}/setAssignees

This method is used to assign users to a task. You always need to pass all users you want to assign. If an already assigned user is not in the passed user id list, he/she gets unassigned. The user ids are passed in the body as an array of strings.

Path Parameters




The id of the task.


POST https://api.awork.io/v1/taskTemplates/{tasktemplateId}/setAssignees

This method is used to assign users to a task template that belongs to a task bundle. You always need to pass all users you want to assign. If an already assigned user is not in the passed user id list, he/she gets unassigned. Users need write permissions for the feature task-manage-config. The user ids are passed in the body as an array of strings.

Path Parameters




The id of the task template.


POST https://api.awork.io/v1/tasks/settings

Request Body




Whether the setting is active or not.



The setting type. For multi-user assignment: allow-multi-user-assignment

  "type": "allow-multi-user-assignment",
  "enabled": true,
  "workspaceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Changed endpoints

tasks/batch/assignusers 🚨

POST https://api.awork.io/v1/tasks/batch/{operation}

Batch endpoint to assign users to multiple tasks. Used to be assignuser. Set removeOldAssignments to false if you want to keep existing task assignments.

Path Parameters





Request Body




Whether to keep existing assignments or replace them. Default = true.



List of user ids to assign to the tasks.



List of task ids to assign the users to.

Additionally, these automation models were changed 🚨

For the action assign-user-to-task, there is now an additional ActionValue removeOldAssignments. In order to assign multiple users to a task, you need the set this value to false. You can also add multiple assign-user-to-task actions to an automation in order to assign multiple users for a single trigger.

For the actions task-create-project and task-create-private, the task ActionValue now has an array assigneeIds instead of a single assigneeId. However, you cannot assign multiple users to private tasks.

Project Templates - 18.07.21 🚨

This feature is part of our big Einhorn release, which brought a bunch of awesome features and an updated UI framework 🦄

Project Templates used to be the Project Types, which now have a secondary role, similar to the Type of Work found on Tasks, to make it easier to understand for our users and remove some restrictions like creating a project without a Project Template.

Due to these complex changes, we completely reworked the existing Project Type endpoints and added new endpoints for Project Templates.

Added endpoints

CRUD endpoints for project templates


GET https://api.awork.io/v1/projectTemplates

Get all project templates of the workspace.

    "id": "7ad71c10-4de6-4003-93b6-6800809c0a72",
    "description": "Project Template 1 is super awesome.",
    "createdOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292403Z",
    "createdBy": "c49a541a-2839-43c6-a446-c84e71a5f80e",
    "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292415Z",
    "updatedBy": "f1d285e6-bf28-4679-b991-ec6728757777",
    "name": "Template 1",
    "isBillableByDefault": true,
    "defaultTaskListIdForEmails": "f9e3f851-83cc-4335-bebe-7a2f7409c9df",
    "projectStatuses": [
        "id": "e278a9d8-a83f-4f57-ba4e-30ba32b650ef",
        "name": "Running",
        "type": "progress",
        "order": 1,
        "createdOn": "2021-08-25T12:01:29.6292449Z",
        "createdBy": "4f889671-84c5-492a-b6b7-a082b1da361f",
        "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292462Z",
        "projectTemplateId": null,
        "projectId": "7756e117-4625-4c05-9dce-f323b1a798fa",
        "updatedBy": "9640d6cd-6959-4b60-9e50-3f8d700cd190"
    "hasImage": false


GET https://api.awork.io/v1/projectTemplates/{projectTemplateId}

Get a specific project template by id.

Path Parameters




The id of the project template.

    "id": "7ad71c10-4de6-4003-93b6-6800809c0a72",
    "description": "Project Template 1 is super awesome.",
    "createdOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292403Z",
    "createdBy": "c49a541a-2839-43c6-a446-c84e71a5f80e",
    "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292415Z",
    "updatedBy": "f1d285e6-bf28-4679-b991-ec6728757777",
    "name": "Template 1",
    "isBillableByDefault": true,
    "defaultTaskListIdForEmails": "f9e3f851-83cc-4335-bebe-7a2f7409c9df",
    "projectStatuses": [
        "id": "e278a9d8-a83f-4f57-ba4e-30ba32b650ef",
        "name": "Running",
        "type": "progress",
        "order": 1,
        "createdOn": "2021-08-25T12:01:29.6292449Z",
        "createdBy": "4f889671-84c5-492a-b6b7-a082b1da361f",
        "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292462Z",
        "projectTemplateId": null,
        "projectId": "7756e117-4625-4c05-9dce-f323b1a798fa",
        "updatedBy": "9640d6cd-6959-4b60-9e50-3f8d700cd190"
    "hasImage": false


PUT https://api.awork.io/v1/projectTemplates/{projectTemplateId}

Path Parameters




The id of the project template.

    "id": "7ad71c10-4de6-4003-93b6-6800809c0a72",
    "description": "Project Template 1 is super awesome.",
    "createdOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292403Z",
    "createdBy": "c49a541a-2839-43c6-a446-c84e71a5f80e",
    "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292415Z",
    "updatedBy": "f1d285e6-bf28-4679-b991-ec6728757777",
    "name": "Template 1",
    "isBillableByDefault": true,
    "defaultTaskListIdForEmails": "f9e3f851-83cc-4335-bebe-7a2f7409c9df",
    "projectStatuses": [
        "id": "e278a9d8-a83f-4f57-ba4e-30ba32b650ef",
        "name": "Running",
        "type": "progress",
        "order": 1,
        "createdOn": "2021-08-25T12:01:29.6292449Z",
        "createdBy": "4f889671-84c5-492a-b6b7-a082b1da361f",
        "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292462Z",
        "projectTemplateId": null,
        "projectId": "7756e117-4625-4c05-9dce-f323b1a798fa",
        "updatedBy": "9640d6cd-6959-4b60-9e50-3f8d700cd190"
    "hasImage": false


POST https://api.awork.io/v1/projectTemplates

Create a new project template for the workspace

Request Body




Whether time entries should be billable by default. Default = false.



The name of the project template.



The description of the project template.

    "id": "7ad71c10-4de6-4003-93b6-6800809c0a72",
    "description": "Project Template 1 is super awesome.",
    "createdOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292403Z",
    "createdBy": "c49a541a-2839-43c6-a446-c84e71a5f80e",
    "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292415Z",
    "updatedBy": "f1d285e6-bf28-4679-b991-ec6728757777",
    "name": "Template 1",
    "isBillableByDefault": true,
    "defaultTaskListIdForEmails": "f9e3f851-83cc-4335-bebe-7a2f7409c9df",
    "projectStatuses": [
        "id": "e278a9d8-a83f-4f57-ba4e-30ba32b650ef",
        "name": "Running",
        "type": "progress",
        "order": 1,
        "createdOn": "2021-08-25T12:01:29.6292449Z",
        "createdBy": "4f889671-84c5-492a-b6b7-a082b1da361f",
        "updatedOn": "2021-08-27T12:01:29.6292462Z",
        "projectTemplateId": null,
        "projectId": "7756e117-4625-4c05-9dce-f323b1a798fa",
        "updatedBy": "9640d6cd-6959-4b60-9e50-3f8d700cd190"
    "hasImage": false


DELETE https://api.awork.io/v1/projectTemplates/{projectTemplateId}

Deletes an existing project template.

Path Parameters




The id of the project template.

Older changes can be found in the release articles on our roadmap https://www.awork.com/roadmap/ 🕵🏻‍♂️

Last updated